Planning and Development
Proposed Subdivision 4386 Rideau Valley Drive
September 2023
​Councillor Brown has posted a transcript of the session and some Q&A's
August 2023
There is an online public information session on Tuesday, Aug 29 at 6:00 pm regarding the proposed subdivision at Rideau Valley Drive and Bankfield.
You can join the meeting through this Zoom link
Details about this development are available online through the City's Dev Apps website
Proposed Development at 5646/5650 Manotick Main Street
November 2023
On November 27 the City received revised plans for the proposed drive-thru restaurant and carwash development at 5646-5650 Manotick Main Street as part of the Site Plan review phase with the City. The proponent revised the plans taking into consideration resident comments and input. The revised site plan shows that the restaurant and drive-thru have been moved toward the front of the property line at Manotick Main and the fence at the rear of the property has been moved further from the lot line of the adjoining Mahogany community to allow for more trees. The City is in the preliminary stages of reviewing the revised submission. Included in this review will be an assessment of the septic conditions as well as traffic implications, and the proponent may be asked for more information as the review process continues. Members can view this revised site plan on page 4 of the 2023-11-27 submission.
October 24, 2023
We have received additional information from Councillor Brown clarifying the City’s decisions with respect to 5646 and 5650 Manotick Main, locally referred to as the ‘carwash/Starbucks drivethru’ property.
The details are specific and technical, and it is important we share them with you at this time to clarify the planning process and put the decisions made by ARAC, City staff and Councillor Brown in their correct context.
On October 5 the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee (ARAC) unanimously approved the zoning by-law amendment removing the existing 152r restriction prohibiting restaurants and bars on the site of 5646 / 5650 Manotick Main. Currently the site is zoned RC1[152r] for commercial activities. RC1 zoning generally permits a restaurant restriction but the amendment removed that restriction and made it so that a drivethru is instead a required use for the restaurant on this site. Generally, restaurants are a permitted site use throughout the City in the kind of zoning that exists on this site and the kind of zoning that is identified in the Secondary Plan.
The site plan for this property was presented to residents on July 31 showing a 5-bay car wash and proposed Starbucks drivethru. This site plan will go to ARAC and Council for consideration at a later date. If the site plan is approved, it is at the discretion of the property owner whether a Starbucks or other drivethru restaurant (McDonalds, Burger King) is contracted as the lessee.
Concerns regarding a possible Starbucks restaurant have been raised by residents citing the Manotick Secondary Plan, Policy 3.5 (16) dealing with the area in question which states “The permitted uses include a variety of residential uses and a limited range of commercial and retail uses which would not compete with uses located in the Village Core.”
City staff interpreted the amendment approved at ARAC as being entirely consistent with the Secondary Plan because the drivethru nature of the proposed site is distinct from the businesses that operate in the core as it serves a different clientele.
Moreover, for those concerned that the site is in the village core, where zoning is more strictly protected and where such a proposal would not be approved, the site is south of the core and in an area where the protections are looser as a reflection of the fact that the competition with the core is limited.
In answer to resident’s concerns related to preserving village character and protecting small businesses in the village core as per the secondary plan, it has also been clarified that this development is proposed outside of the village core and the addition of a drivethru makes the proposed restaurant compliant with the provisions outlined in the plan.
Concerns raised as to the inconsistency of the proposed site as it relates to the 15-minute community concept have also been further addressed by City staff who have noted that the site does cohere with the policy and that the existence of a drivethru does not invalidate the ability of residents to walk to the site and that this site is assumed to be within 15-minute walking distance of the Mahogany Community. The City does recognize there is a gap in the Village along Main with respect to pedestrian infrastructure, and is working on filling it.
One very important item of context deals with the constraints Council is under regarding development rejection and approval. As shared by Councillor Brown, Councillors are restricted by the province as to the grounds that they are allowed to oppose a development or, in this case, a zoning by-law amendment.
You will recall the MVCA’s ongoing opposition to the sweeping changes to the development approval process to deal with the Provincial Housing Shortage as a result of the swift passing of Bills 109, 3, 23 and 39 from April to December 2022. Opposition in which we joined with the City of Ottawa as well as the Federation of Citizen’s Associations of Ottawa (FCA).It has recently come to light that these Bills resulted in direct financial gain to Ontario developers in relation to the opening up of the Greenbelt lands around the GTA, have led to the resignation of Ontario’s Minister of Housing and an ‘apology’ from our Premier. It is these same bills which limit our Councillors’ ability to approve or reject development projects based on community feedback or opposed developments that cohere with these plans and policies.
According to Councillor Brown, if Councillors reject a proposal for reasons that are not found within the provincially-approved Official Plan or Village of Manotick Secondary Plan, or for reasons that are at odds with provincial policy direction, the matter can be brought to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT), and the Councillors’ vote would be overturned.
He explains further that when City Staff said that the zoning by-law amendment cohered with the Secondary Plan, the Councillors effectively lost the ability to oppose this, as the proponent would simply quote staff at the OLT and opposition to the proposal would be overturned by the Tribunal. Also, because the case would be so ‘cut and dry’, there would be no likelihood of City legal staff fighting at the OLT. There is significant precedent for this and it is an accepted reality with these kinds of proposals.
Manotick is under the rules set by Ottawa as an amalgamated City as well as the development policies outlined by the province, policies recently made significantly more amenable to development. The MVCA will continue to advocate on behalf of our community and work closely with our Councillors, committed to ensuring that when development does occur, it is done responsibly.
We thank Councillor Brown for his candour and clarification.
October 2023
Over the past year there have been major developments regarding the Owner's application for re-zoning this property from commercial - residential to commercial use to allow for the expansion of the existing self-service car wash from 2 bays to 5 and the addition of a drive through restaurant to be leased to Starbucks.
Many residents wrote to the MVCA and Councillor Brown voicing their concerns and the MVCA provided updates regularly in our member newsletter and Village Voice column in the Messenger. On July 31,2023 Councillor David Brown organized a public consultation with FOTENN, Planning Consultants to provide residents the opportunity to view proposed plans, ask questions and discuss their concerns.
On October 5, 2023 the City's Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee met to discuss the City's report and recommendations regarding this development.
It is our expectation that approval for this development will be granted based on the recommendations in this report and will post further updates.
July 2023
Proposed Car Wash and Restaurant at 5646/5650 Manotick Main Street
The City has received an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment for 5646 – 5650 Manotick Main Street.
The application is available for review and there is contact information there for those who may want to share feedback or ask questions. The deadline for feedback is August 3.
On the website, there is also the Site Plan Control Submission
MVCA has submitted comments to the City. The document can be found through the link below
1185 Beaverwood Road
December 2024 UPDATE
The builder is welcoming inquiries now. You can contact Anthony Nicolini with NiVO Developments Inc. at or call 613.880.2274.
March 2023 UPDATE
City Council voted to approve the Zoning ByLaw Amendment request submitted for this development.
February 2023 UPDATE
Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee approved the recommendations in the report presented to them for the Zoning By-Law Amendment application for this development on Friday February 24, 2023.
January 2023
Thank you everyone who attended the public consultation meeting on January 24.
A proposed development for 1185 Beaverwood road in Manotick is currently being considered by the City of Ottawa. Full details in the form of a planning rationale are available here.
The proponent has met with the local Councillor and City Staff to provide an overview of the proposed development. The proponent is now seeking input from the public.
Residents heard from the project proponent and shared their thoughts about the development during a Community Information Meeting held virtually on Tuesday, January 24th.
Key Facts
The subject property is at the North-West intersection of Scharfield Road and Beaverwood Road.
The lot is approximately 2,350m2 in size.
The building proposed for the site is a three-storey low-rise building containing 27 residential units.
The building will contain 29 underground parking spots for residents and 5 above ground visitor parking spots on site. This meets and somewhat exceeds what bylaw’s minimum requirements, though no additional street parking is proposed in the current site plan.
Generally, the building conforms to the City of Ottawa’s Official Plan and the Village of Manotick Secondary Plan.
As proposed, the building will require a Zoning By-law Amendment and site-specific provisions, including for the lot area and certain setbacks.
If you have feedback about the development you can send them to Erica Ogden-Fedak, Planner II, Development Review, Rural Services, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development at or call 613.580.2424 ext.26510