Advantages of being an MCVA Member
CLICK HERE for the online Membership Form
MVCA is an Incorporated not-for-profit organization managed by an elected volunteer Board of Directors. Thank you for your support as we strive to keep you informed on events, projects, development plans and community issues that effect Manotick and its surrounding area. Membership is open to all persons 18+ years of age.
Benefits of Membership
Be informed and to have your thoughts heard concerning events, plans and issues effecting the community,
Be part of a unified voice on advocacy issues concerning our community; there is strength in numbers,
Receive e-newsletter highlighting information relating to the community,
A vote at MVCA Annual Meeting and any Special Meetings of the Members.
Run for a position on the Board of Directors
Join MVCA or Renew your MVCA Membership
MVCA Boundary
CLICK HERE for the online Membership Form
There are three ways to pay for your Membership​
1. To pay by Credit Card click HERE
2. To pay by E-transfer, send it to
3. To pay by Cheque
Mail the completed membership form and your payment to:
Manotick Village and Community Association
P.O. Box 26 Manotick, ON
K4M 1A2

MVCA has three classes of Members:
Individual Voting, Family Voting and Individual Non-voting.
Regardless of the class, individuals can only qualify to be a Member if they:
a) are 18 years of age or older.
b) support the objectives of the Association.
c) have paid their non-refundable annual Membership fee.
Individual Voting Membership is available to any qualified adult residing at an address within the geographic boundary (see the map).
Family Voting Membership is available to two qualifying adults residing at the same address within the geographic boundary.
Individual and Family Voting Members are entitled to one vote per person, per motion at any Annual or Special Meeting of the Members. Voting Members are eligible to vote at any Special Meeting if they are Members one month prior to the date of the announcement of the meeting.
Non-Voting Membership is available to any qualified adult not residing within the geographic boundary.